27 Mar

9 Types of Eco-Therapy – Find Your Favorite Way To Heal With Nature

Hey there, nature lovers! As someone who’s been through some tough mental health battles, I can attest to the healing power of Mother Nature, aka “eco-therapy.” And that’s exactly what […]


20 Mar

Motivating Fitness Fundraising Ideas to Try Today – Starting with the Salt March

Are you ready to get your heart pumping and make a difference? Look no further than fitness fundraising! With the Salt March, a month-long event hosted by the SALT Foundation, […]


13 Mar

Enhancing Well-Being: The Top Benefits of Social Interaction on Mental Health

Social interaction might just be the unsung hero of mental health. Studies show that our connections with other people can have a profound impact on our well-being, providing emotional support […]


6 Mar

Marching Together: Building Community Through The SALT Foundation’s Salt March

The SALT Foundation’s Salt March isn’t just a nod to history. It’s a modern movement for collective mental health and social resilience. This march is focused on building community through […]


28 Feb

When Gandhi’s Salt March Rattled British Colonial Rule: A Journey of Nonviolent Resistance

In the annals of history, few acts of defiance resonate as powerfully as Gandhi’s Salt March. This 24-day pilgrimage, undertaken in March 1930, was more than just a walk along […]


21 Feb

How The Salt March Donations Empower Female Entrepreneurs

What drives the success of female entrepreneurs amidst persistent barriers? Exemplified by stories of overcoming bias and paving new paths in tech, health, and finance, this article dissects how women […]